Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pee Dee Area Study

Dr. Fang Meng, Assistant Professor and SmartState SC Center of Economic Excellence in Tourism and Economic Fellow, is spearheading a research project to encourage tourism to the Pee Dee.  Survey data on perceptions of the Pee Dee among current and potential visitors, as well as activities that would draw visitors to the area, will be analyzed and results will inform efforts develop tourism products in a currenlty under-developed market.
Dr. Fang may be contacted at:fmeng@mailbox.sc.edu
Coliseum Room 1011-D

Friday, October 7, 2011

South Carolina Tourism and Higher Education Summit

The College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management was well represented at the conference hosted by the South Carolina Travel and Tourism Coalition in Columbia, SC today. Dean Brian Mihalik participated in a four person expert panel on hospitality education and six of the seven full-time tourism professors in the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management were among attendees. Dean Mihalik recognized the SC Center of Economic Excellence in Tourism and Economic Development as the only SmartState program dedicated to tourism in the State. He also recognized the Center's Director, Dr. Simon Hudson, as the 'go-to guy' for State focused tourism research.